Damenhandschuh, einzeln
Damenhandschuh, einzeln, 18. Jahrhundert? E-Minorca. UK-London, Natural History Museum, Department of Zoology, Invertebrates I (Mollusca) (MS-Inventar 16)
Muschelseide, glatt rechts gestrickt, 8 M/cm, spitz zulaufend, Daumen und Zeigefinger offen, Fingernagel gedeckt, beim Handgelenk 2 Reihen links, Abnehmer für Daumen mit linken M, L 36 cm, B Handgelenk 7,5 cm
Etikette: British Museum (Natural History), Glove woven from byssus threads of Pinna nobilis, Sir Hans Sloane Collection
Appleby 1997 schreibt darüber: The Duke (of Richmond) gave Sloane another byssus glove in the collection, from Minorca (formerly) Port Mahon, captured in 1708 by General James Stanhope); the two previous entries – pearls from the Pinna, and ‚The Byssus from that pinna‘ indicate that all three items originally belonged to Martin Lister.